Train the Teachers Well
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Train the Teachers Well
What’s inside: In this episode, we chat with Alana Mangham, M.S., the Literacy and Learning Specialist for the Center for Development and Learning. She is also a member of Louisiana’s Early Literacy Commission and the Reading League Louisiana chapter’s vice president. She talks with us about her experience in Rapides Parish as the K-5 English Language Arts Curriculum Specialist and the lessons learned from their district literacy success.
Alana’s work with Rapides Parish and the success with the K-3 literacy plan gained national attention and documented, on the EAB report, “ Narrowing the Third Grade Reading Gap”. In this podcast, she shares her passion for early childhood literacy, evidence-based reading practices, and building literacy progress through facts, reading science, and classroom implementation.
Links: See links mentioned in this podcast listed below -
Plain Talk Literacy Conference:
EAB report: “ Narrowing the Third Grade Reading Gap.”.
Growing Brains: Growing Reading Brains
This podcast episode was sponsored by Heggerty Phonemic Awareness.